
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Saya ingin diabaikan


Saya ingin diabaikan, dan tenang
Dengan diabaikan, dan milik sendiri
Tenang, isi hari-hariku.
Karena tidak menginginkan lebih dari mereka.

Kepada siapa kekayaan menyentuh
Emas mengiritasi kulit.
Untuk yang ketenaran bafeja
Itu adalah hidup.

Untuk kebahagiaan yang mana
Ini matahari, malam akan datang.
Tapi dia tidak mengharapkan apa-apa
Segala sesuatu yang datang bersyukur.


Cinta, ketika itu


Cinta, ketika itu mengungkapkan dirinya sendiri,
Tidak diketahui untuk mengungkapkan.
Senang melihatnya,
Tetapi dia tidak tahu bagaimana berbicara.
Siapa yang ingin mengatakan apa yang Anda rasakan
Dia tidak tahu harus berkata apa.
Diucapkan: sepertinya pikiran itu ...
Cala: sepertinya lupa ...
Oh, tapi jika dia menebak,
Jika dia bisa mendengar tampilan itu,
Dan jika melihat sudah cukup baginya
Untuk mengetahui bahwa mereka mencintainya!
Tapi siapa yang menyesal, tutup mulut;
Siapa yang ingin mengatakan seberapa banyak yang Anda rasakan
Dia tak berjiwa dan tak bisa berkata-kata,
Tetap, sepenuhnya!
Tetapi jika ini dapat memberitahu Anda
Apa yang saya tidak berani katakan,
Saya tidak perlu berbicara dengan Anda lagi.
Karena aku memberitahumu

Mengapa Tuhan


Mengapa Tuhan mengijinkan
bahwa ibu akan pergi?
Ibu tidak memiliki batas,
saatnya tanpa waktu,
cahaya tidak padam
saat angin bertiup
dan hujan turun,
beludru tersembunyi
pada kulit yang keriput,
air murni, udara bersih,
pemikiran murni.
Mati terjadi
dengan apa yang singkat dan berlalu
tanpa meninggalkan jejak.
Ibu, dalam rahmatnya,
itu adalah keabadian.
Mengapa Tuhan mengingat?
- misteri yang dalam -
untuk mengeluarkannya suatu hari?
Jika saya adalah Raja Dunia,
menurunkan hukum:
Ibu tidak pernah mati,
Ibu akan selalu begitu
dengan putramu
dan dia, tua,
akan sedikit
membuat biji jagung.

Saya bisa bilang begitu


Saya merasa sangat jelas
yang membatalkan saya sebagai orang saat ini dan orang biasa:
itu kejernihan kosong, bagaimana menjelaskannya?
serta perhitungan matematis yang sempurna
namun, tidak diperlukan.

Saya bisa bilang begitu
melihat kekosongan dengan jelas.
Dan saya bahkan tidak mengerti apa yang saya pahami:
karena aku jauh lebih besar daripada diriku sendiri,
dan aku tidak bisa mengejar ketinggalan.
Apa yang saya lakukan tentang kejernihan ini?
Saya juga tahu bahwa kejernihan ini
bisa menjadi neraka manusia
"Itu terjadi padaku sebelumnya."

Cinta adalah


Cinta adalah api yang menyala tanpa melihat dirinya sendiri

Cinta adalah api yang membakar tanpa melihat dirinya sendiri;
Itu adalah luka yang sakit dan tidak terasa;
Ini adalah kepuasan yang tidak puas;
Adalah rasa sakit yang terbuka tanpa sakit;

Tidak menginginkan lebih dari baik untuk diinginkan;
Adalah soliter untuk berjalan di antara kita;
Itu tidak pernah puas dengan konten;
Adalah kepedulian bahwa seseorang mendapat untung dari kehilangan diri sendiri;

Ia ingin diikat oleh kehendak;
Itu untuk melayani sang penakluk, sang penakluk;
Itu memiliki kesetiaan kepada kita.

Tapi bagaimana caranya bisa menguntungkan Anda
Dalam persahabatan manusia hati,
Jika demikian bertentangan dengan Anda, apakah itu Cinta yang sama?



Tiba-tiba dari tawa, tangisan menjadi
Diam dan berkabut putih
Dan dari mulut yang bergabung busa dibuat
Dan dari tangan yang terulur adalah keheranan.

Tiba-tiba dari ketenangan dibuat angin
Manakah dari mata membuka kobaran api terakhir
Dan dari semangat itulah dibuat firasat
Dan sejak saat drama itu dibuat.

Tiba-tiba, tidak lebih dari tiba-tiba
Itu membuat sedih apa yang menjadi kekasih
Dan dari kesendirian apa yang dibuat senang.

Terbuat dari teman dekat sejauh ini
Membuat kehidupan petualangan yang mengembara
Tiba-tiba, tidak lebih dari tiba-tiba.

Pembelian Asuransi Jiwa: Daftar Belanja


Ketika membeli asuransi jiwa berjangka, Anda perlu menemukan perlindungan terbaik dengan harga yang wajar dengan perusahaan yang dapat Anda percayai. Tetapi bagi kebanyakan dari kita, memulai adalah bagian yang paling sulit.

Di sinilah tips Asuransi Jiwa berikut dapat berguna.
Apa yang ingin dicapai oleh kebijakan Anda. Tanyakan apa yang Anda inginkan dari asuransi jiwa Anda. Sebagai contoh, apakah Anda ingin memiliki asuransi yang dapat:

 Pay funeral arrangements?
Pay the unpaid balance owing on a mortgage and other debts?
Offset the loss of your income?
And if this is so for how long?
Make a contribution to the future education of your children?
A mixture of part of the above?

Knowing what you want to do with your life insurance policy and roughly how much you want to reach these goals will help you figure out how much life insurance you must consider buying. Online life insurance calculators are available to help put a price on the level of coverage you want.

Purchasing Life Insurance: A Shopping List

 Who do you want to insure under the life insurance policy.
Most insurance firms offer a selection of life insurance products to fit your way of life and family wishes. You can get an insurance policy on your own life, or you can get one policy for you and your partner ( called a joint life insurance policy ). The commonest joint life policy provides coverage when the 1st partner dies, leaving the life insurance benefit to the surviving spouse.

How long do you need life insurance.

Consulting a mystic isn't required, even though it does require that you guesstimate the timing of your life insurance wishes. For instance :

When will your home loan be paid off, The amortization period of your home loan will most likely work out how long your term life insurance policy should be.
When will your kids complete school, One day they will finish their schooling and having enough life insurance coverage to pay their tutorial costs will not be obligatory.
When are you planning to retire, You'll have less revenue to replace at that time. Understanding how long you will need life insurance protection before you start shopping will guarantee you are ok with the life insurance product you finish up buying. Online tools are available to help work out which term for your life insurance policy is most suggested for folk with similar lifestyles.

So now that you have the how much, who and how long questions dealt with, you are prepared to buy.

A.) Compare life insurance quotes from multiple corporations: It pays to research because life insurance rates can change significantly depending on the product you select, your age, and the quantity of coverage you request.

This is the straightforward part, because with the Net you can compare life insurance quotes simply, online, anytime.

B.) Which life insurance rate has been quoted standard or preferred, There are 2 basic life insurance rate groups you need to know about when purchasing life insurance coverage: standard rates and preferred. Standard life insurance rates are the rates the bulk of Canadians qualify for, while about one 3rd of the populace is qualified for preferred rates. Preferred life insurance rates are generally offered to healthy individuals and means you will pay a smaller premium than most. Typically preferred rates are offered only once the result of the medical info and tests are known.
It will depend upon your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, height, weight, and family health history. But preferred rates are worthwhile. They could save you up to 30-35% off your quoted premium. When comparing costs, make sure you are comparing 'standard to standard' or 'preferred to preferred' life insurance rates. If you are unsure, ask the broker.
It'd be upsetting to discover you were quoted preferred rates at the start, to find out you do not qualify for them later on.

C.) Review the life insurance broker's availability: How simply are you able to get a hold of the broker, What are their hours of operation, Whether or not it is thru their website or phone, the life insurance broker should be easily accessed to you must you ever have questions or need to chat to them about a change in your life insurance wants. Look for toll-free numbers and extended hours of service as guides.

D.) Review the medical info needed to get the policy: Generally the more medical info you provide, the better the cost. For a policy that asks few or no medical questions, you can bet the premium is higher for a similar coverage then a plan asking for more info. Depending on the company, your age, and the quantity of coverage you would like, you might get asked to provide urea and blood samples. To get the examples, a nurse shall visit at not cost to you.

E.) Consider a life insurer's fiscal soundness and strength: A company's fiscal soundness is something to think about if you plan on making a long term purchase like life insurance. There are affiliations out there, like A.M. Best, that appraise insurers and supply a rating on their stability and strength.

F.) Ask about renewal options and necessities: Once the opening premium is set, it is generally assured for the length of the policy ( frequently ten or twenty years ). But what occurs when the policy expires, Most policies are renewable till you are seventy or seventy five so do not forget to ask your broker if you'll have to take a medical to replenish your policy. While your premiums will be higher on renewal, learn if they also will be sure to remain level for the second term of the policy.

G.) Confirm the policy can be terminated without penalties: Most term life insurance policies can be canned at any point without penalties. Make efforts to check with your broker to determine if the life insurance firm has any strange cancellation policies.

H.) Consider the conversion options and limitations for the policy: As your life changes so do your life insurance needs and you'll need the choice to convert your coverage some day. To convert a term life insurance policy means to transfer all, or part of, the death advantage of the policy into an enduring life policy without a medical.

For instance, say you originally purchased a term policy to guard a mortgage and child. Once the mortgage is paid and the kid grown, you could find it fascinating to convert the policy into one which will give you a higher level premium for the rest of your life, and a death benefit that's assured not to expire as you age. When you buy your life insurance policy, discover if there are any constraints on your age at the time of conversion.

Mostly, you've got the option of changing up till you are sixty or sixty five. Too guarantee you are given a few options of the kind of policies you can move into, the more the better.
Last tip: Select a life insurance broker you trust: even though it doesn't always impact the kind of policy you decide to purchase, a good with relationship with your broker is important and will make sure you feel ok with the life insurance policy you purchase and the information you have received.


5 Tips For Cheaper Home Insurance


TIP 1: Cut the risk, cut the cost

All insurance policies protect against the risk of financial loss. So to cut the cost, cut the risk to the insurer and you'll get a lower premium. To give you an idea, here's a quick summary of the most effective tactics...

  • Contact your home insurance company or local neighbourhood watch scheme and they will send you a list of steps to make your house more secure and less likely to be targeted by thieves.
  • Fit locks to all windows and level 5 (BS3621) mortise deadlocks locks to the doors. Most insurance companies will give you up to 10% off your home contents insurance if you have these kind of locks fitted around your house.
  • Having a good alarm fitted by a recognised alarm fitter, which your insurance company can recommend, can give you up to 10% off your policy. Bear in mind that these are expensive alarms which require an annual check up.
  • Higher policy excess. You will usually have to pay the first $50 of any insurance claim, but if you're willing to pay more then, your premium will fall now.
  • Neighbourhood watch schemes. Some home insurers offer discounts if you live in a neighbourhood watch area; however this is less common.
  • No claims bonus. As with your car insurance; a record of no previous claims will reduce your premium. If you need to make a claim, consider whether it may be cheaper to pay for the loss yourself and avoid an increase in premiums.
  • Your age. Statistically, the older you are, the less likely you are to make a house insurance claim. So if you're a lower risk this will be reflected in your premiums. Some companies offer extra benefits to those over 50 such as Saga.
  • Extra security. Declare any special safety precautions you've made for your valuables such as a home safe.
  • Your lifestyle. If you have a dog, are teetotal and don't smoke, be sure to declare this as such factors are used by some insurers to reduce premiums.
  • Occasionally applying to your existing insurer as a new customer can reduce your premiums. Many insurers offer discounts to new customers which won't be repeated when you come to renew.
  • If you can apply online you will normally get a discount of around 5%.

Before you carry out any security improvements to your home, always check with your home insurance company first. They will confirm which improvements will have the biggest cost cutting impact.

TIP 2: Know what home insurance you need

Working out an accurate figure for the buildings and contents insurance value can be awkward, which is why a lot of homeowners are either under insured or paying for levels of cover they don't really need.

Buildings insurance covers the re-build cost of your property not its market value. The re-build value of your home is the cost of re-building it in the event that it is destroyed by fire or subsidence for example. The re-build value of your home can usually be found on your mortgage agreement, or property deeds. The Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) produces a range of detailed information on the cost of rebuilding houses and flats together with a re-building cost calculator.

Alternatively, you can opt for a policy that has an unlimited or high standard buildings sum insured so you don't have to worry about insuring the right amount.

Then there is the home contents insurance which covers almost everything else you would take with you if you moved house. Make a list of the rooms in your house and write down all the items contained in each with there value. Then, total the individual amounts to see what contents insurance protection you need. Remember to value items such as music CD's, videos and clothing as their total cost is often missed or under insured. Whether your wardrobe is full of jeans or designer labels, make sure you include the cost of replacing them.

TIP 3: Look at separate buildings & contents insurance

If you need both buildings and contents insurance, get quotes for separate policies for maximum potential savings. Most insurers do provide them as separate policies and just because one is cheap for buildings cover doesn't mean they are equally competitive to insure the contents. Find the cheapest providers for each component and consider buying each from different insurers.

TIP 4: Shop around for home insurance

Shopping around will yield the biggest savings on home insurance.

Firstly, don't simply opt for the home insurance supplied by your mortgage lender. They can be convenient when your busy sorting your mortgage but they're often over priced and chances are they won't have been compared against other policies on the market.

When shopping for insurance you basically have three options; go direct to the insurer, browse the web or use a broker. If you have the time and commitment you can do all three, but the fastest and most effective route is to log on and use the reach of the internet.

The best insurance websites compare dozens of brokers and home insurance companies in minutes. You only have to fill in one form to get a list of premiums displayed on your screen from major insurers and brokers. However, if you have unusual or very specific requirements the final premium may increase when confirmed direct with your chosen insurer.

TIP 5: Ask for a bargain

Home insurance has a margin of profit built into it which can be negotiated down if you're armed with the right information. Not all insurers will buckle and concede an additional discount but if you don't ask you won't know.

  • First, find the cheapest quote after using internet comparison sites and phoning a few brokers.
  • Select the cheapest quote and contact your existing insurer first asking them to beat it. If they won't budge contact the second cheapest insurer and do the same.
  • If after your best efforts, the insurer won't budge, ask them to throw in some extra cover to sweeten the deal or move on to the next home insurance company and repeat the same steps.




Friday, March 30, 2018


pswwr : revalinadamayanti2017


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

link aplikasi rilis



Thursday, June 23, 2016



* 250 g ketan hitam
* 50 g tepung terigu
* 5 butir telur
* 250 g gula pasir
* 1 sdt emulsifier
* 200 ml santan
* 1 sdt vanilli
* garam secukupnya
* kelapa parut secukupnya yg sudah dicampur sedikit garam

Cara Membuatnya:

1.) Campur gula, telur, garam, emulsifier & vanilli , aduk hingga mengembang ( aduk hingga putih agar kue tdk bantat )

2.) Tambahkan tepung terigu, tepung ketan & santan. aduk rata.

3.) Siapkan cetakan kue putu, masukan kelapa parut agak ditekan tekan lalu masukan adonan tepung.

4.) Kukus selama 30 menit, alasi tutup panci dgn lap kain bersih agar uap air tdk menetes di kue.

5. Angkat & Hidangkan 

unik dan menarik


 kumpilan desain interior yang unik


Fuyunghai Bihun



- 100 gram daging sapi, cincang halus
- 5 butir telur, kocok lepas
- 2 sdm minyak sayur
- 1/2 bawang bombay, iris halus
- 3 batang daun bawang, iris halus
- 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
- 1 sdt garam
- 100 gram bihun, rebus dan tiriskan

Bahan Saus:

- 2 sdm minyak
- 1/2 bawang bombay, cincang halus
- 2 siung bawang putih, haluskan
- 5 sdm saus tomat
- 1/2 sdt kecap ikan
- 200 ml kaldu ayam
- 2 sdt gula
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 1/2 sdt merica
- 50 gram kacang polong
- 1 sdm maizena
- 1 sdt minyak wijen

Cara Membuat:

1. Tumis bawang bombay sampai layu dan wangi.

2. Masukkan daging sapi dan aduk sampai berubah warna kecoklatan.

3. Masukkan daun bawang, aduk rata dan angkat.

4. Campur telur dengan bahan yang telah ditumis, bihun, merica dan garam.

5. Masak jadi dadar dan sisihkan.

6. Untuk sausnya tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai wangi.

7. Tuangkan kaldu ayam dan didihkan.

8. Tambahkan gula, garam, merica, kacang polong dan maizena.

9. Aduk sampai rata dan tidak ada yang menggumpal.

10. Tambahkan minyak wijen dan saus tomat, aduk terus.

11. Angkat dan tuangkan saus di atas dadar.

Omelet Keju



- 2 butir telur
- garam
- 60 gram keju parut
- 3 sdm mentega atau minyak sayur

Cara Membuat

1. Kocok lepas telur, taburi dengan garam secukupnya.

2. Panaskan mentega atau minyak di atas wajan dengan api sedang.

3. Goreng telur setengah matang, taburi dengan keju parut.

4. Lipat telur jadi dua, hingga berbentuk setengah lingkaran.

5. Masak telur hingga matang berwarna cokelat keemasan.

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